
Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Another Mary Wigham is reborn

Another Mary Wigham is reborn using yet another wonderful palette of colours in the hands of Nadine from Belgium - I hope you are going to give me some lessons in colour, I would love to know your sources of inspiration. What helps you to make the colour choices you make?
I believe this sampler has seen some interesting whistlestop adventures on a train...maybe we shall hear more....


  1. Oh this is so beautiful. And the colors are so nice. I love this version of Mary Wigham a lot.

  2. I see many finished MW sampler on your blog, Jacqueline, and I cannot choose a favourite - all are wonderful!!
    Congratulations to the owners :)

  3. Bonjour Jacqueline et surtout merci pour votre gentillesse et toutes les super belles choses que vous nous montrez et pour le travail fourni, c'est vraiment très gentil :)


  4. Wow Nadine wonderful color choices. I am really enjoying seeing all the different colors the stitchers are picking out for their pieces.
