It is well illustrated with 12 pattern pages and 5 whole pages of photographs - very lavish considering the still war-stricken times.
How wonderful that at that time, women could sit once more by the fire with their stitching and make not necessities, but embroidered breakfast tray sets, tea cosies, pochettes and, luxury of luxury, nightdress cases - for those blessed with a husband safely returned from the war.
There was such a resurgence of embroidery at this time - I wonder if anyone has ever researched the connectedness of post war years with the uptake of homely skills? So this is this week's giveaway - just click on the flying angel below if you would like to enter and I'll announce a winner next week on 7 April 2014.

Last night of our anniversary offer.
Needleprint 10th Anniversary - Save $95.
To share our 10th anniversary celebrations with you, we are offering throughout the month of March 2014 a Free Goodhart Samplers Book or a Free Feller Needlework Collection Volume 1 with every copy of The Feller Needlework Collection Volume 2. You can take advantage of this special offer today. It comes with all our kindest wishes in this our last year before retirement.