
Sunday 16 March 2014

Mary's Handwork in Josephs Doubt * Strasbourg, France

Located in the Musée de l'Oeuvre de Notre Dame, Strasbourg, France is this painting of the early 15th century entitled in English The Doubt of St. Joseph. What caught my eye was the work in Mary's hand and the boxes of yarn on the table and at her feet. What is Mary making? The way she is holding her fingers is very much akin to tatting.
Just behind the workboxes on the table is an interestingly shaped gizmo which on closer inspection has yarn wound round two pegs. Is it for making some form of passmenterie? Also interesting to note is the Parade or Show Towel hanging between the windows and the hanging basin placed there for guests to wash their hands. The tradition of these towels, often beautifully embroidered, exists to this day, though I don't remember ever being pressed to wash my hands upon entering a house where one was on show. Below is the fabulous museum where this piece is located. Click here to visit. Then click Visite Virtuelle and choose 862/Salle 1400 from the drop down menu to see this piece hanging in situ.
Needleprint 10th Anniversary - Save $95.

To share our 10th anniversary celebrations with you, we are offering throughout the month of March 2014 a Free Goodhart Samplers Book or a Free Feller Needlework Collection Volume 1 with every copy of The Feller Needlework Collection Volume 2. You can take advantage of this special offer today. It comes with all our kindest wishes in this our last year before retirement.

1 comment:

  1. i have been breaking my head over this for years! i never got any closer than some form of needlebinding. however, she isn't holding a needle but just a loose end of yarn...
