So, a little later and a bit shakier than anticipated, I can announce that the winner of the Samplers book giveaway is Ruta from Lithuania. Congratulations, Ruta! Please send me your address so I can airmail the book to you. When I am feeling a bit more on top of things, I will share all the information you sent with you.
At the beginning of this book is an illustration from the German picture book - Curioser Spiegel which shows a number of girls undergoing instruction in needlework. Here we can plainly see the girl stitching bands on her sampler at a 90 degree orientation to her body that I have mentioned previously, but this is one of the better illustrations.

And here, if the girls were singing, would be a lovely representation of Shakespeare's Helena and Hermia from A Midsummer Night's Dream : How often, Hermia, have we two, sitting on one cushion, both singing one song, with our needles working the same flower, both on the same sampler wrought?
Just one last word about needlework in hospitals - there is a great falling off in this skill - I was glued back together!