
Tuesday 20 January 2015

SOLD 5 Vintage European Needlework Booklets * £12 €18 $30 Including Shipping

The first of these booklets above - in spite of the wording on the front cover - is a delightful Swedish publication.  It is all in colour. 
There is a mixture of cross stitch patterns
and stem stich patterns all for working on linen.
The Cartier-Bresson family is probably more better known outside Europe for the famous photographer, Henri Cartier-Bresson. However, his father was a wealthy textile manufacturer, whose Cartier-Bresson thread was a staple of French sewing kits.
And as a complement to the threads, there were also pattern books
and here you can see one delightful example.
No puntos for guessing the origin of the old booklet above - it is obviously Italian
it is all cross stitch and includes a mix of geometric, figurative
and alphabetical motifs and patterns.
Then there is a DMC booklet of Scandinavian Cross-Stitch
and it, too, contains a mixture of figurative, geometric and alphabetical motifs.

Last but not least is this handbook of Needlework Tapestry produced by Weldons.

All 5 booklets are softback each with between 18-22 pattern pages.

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