
Tuesday 10 August 2010

Following in the Stitches of Marietta Stebbins at Historic Deerfield * One-Day Workshop 25 September 2010

White dove motifs are a characteristic of the Deerfield area in Massachusetts, together with baskets of flowers, stylized pine trees and sometimes a cartouche, they suggest a common tutelage during the years 1791-1831. One example of this possible school is the Marietta Stebbins sampler of 1801 and on 25 September, Joanna Harvey of The Exemplarery will run a one-day workshop to recreate Marietta's sampler with you. The cost of the workshop is $155 and includes the kit, tour of the museum, lunch and refreshements. Stephen and Carol Huber will also be there to explore the motifs and inspirations for other embroidereries in the collection of Deerfield Museum. For more information, click here.

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