It is such a long time now since I mentioned the fabulous Verheggen-Penders sampler collection, which is in Dieteren, in the Netherlands, that I thought some of the newer readers might not be aware of it - and particularly its existence on an easy-to-view CD set which can be purchased and enjoyed at leisure in the luxury of your own home - no expensive air fares involved! The CDs work anywhere in the world.

You will see many early examples of Dutch samplers including one that is thought to be the earliest known cloth from 1571! The collection has fabulous black samplers from Vierlande in Germany which you can see at the top of this post and also from Groningen in the Netherlands. This darling set of 4 English samplers is included with charts for you to stitch your own.

The 2 CD-Rom set has over 250 sampler images that you can enlarge and explore. You can obtain it direct from direct from Mariette Verheggen Penders - just click here to find out more.

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