
Sunday 17 February 2013

Stitch 10,000 Badges For The French Life Boat Services Please

Everyone knows the dedication to saving lives at sea - sometimes at the expense of their own - given by the sailors of the National Life Boat Services around the world. Whenever you are enjoying the sea-side, give a few thoughts and a few pounds, dollars, euros, whatever for their collecting tins. When Marie-Louise told me about this special fund-raiser being organized by L'Ecole de Broderie d'Art Pascal Jaouen I knew I had to spread the word - please add it to your blogs and twitter feeds. The objective is to stitch 10,000 bages which will be sold for €3 euros each this summer to fund-raise for the French Life Boat Service. You don't have to stitch them all yourself! But you can stitch more than 1. Get together with a group of friends for a stitching day to make one. LNS why not hold a stitch-in evening? What you need to know is that the badges should measure 3.8cm diameter with a 2mm margin (at least) all around so that they can be made into a metal badge with one of those badge making machines. (You don't need to make the actual badge up - that will be done at the receiving end.) You need to have completed and sent in your badge by 1 June 2013 - the address for sending is: L'Ecole de Broderie d'Art Pascal Jaouen, 1 rue de Kergariou, 29000 QUIMPER, FRANCE. Your sending in cost will only be the cost of a letter. You can stitch using whatever technique you like - but make it a nice sea-side theme. For more details click on the poster for a larger version, or contact the Ecole. Click here for the details.

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