
Saturday 21 November 2009

Jeanny Cobben's Dutch Mary Wigham

Each time I display a completed Mary Wigham here, it is with a great sense humility and privilege. I am so totally surrounded by wonderful talents that had I just a smidgen myself, I would believe myself blessed. Yet I am so privileged to be able to delight in all the wonderful talents of others. And here is another special talent to share with you, this time that of Jeanny Cobben. Jeanny has taken Mary Wigham's chart and recreated it in such a rich and gorgeous palette. This is not Jeanny's first large sampler, she has stitched many, many samplers and is a teacher of
Hardanger as well as sampler making. Do make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, sit down and admire her work - just click here. You will be delighted, I promise.


  1. i also am astonish at how each groups of colors can change a design. it would be worth stitching many in a variety of colors, if only i had another life to live. thank you all for sharing your unique Mary's i bet she would be so amazed how much inspriation she is giving us all. i will say it again i love this project.

  2. Jeanny, prachtig is je Mary Wigham geworden.
    Je kleurcompositie is perfect.

  3. Zoooooo trots op mijn moeder !!!! :-))))

  4. Your Mary is outstandingly beautiful! I have a new picture for my desktop...

  5. Jeanny,
    your Mary is beautiful. Would you share with us your color choices? I would love to use your colors for my Mary to be placed in my dinning room. Thanks for sharing.
