Needleprint is so honoured to have the many Japanese and French readers we have each day, and while we have no wish at all to say goodbye, we thought it would be really nice for native Japanese and French speakers to be able to relax, and enjoy their own language Needleprint blogs which will follow the feeds you see here. It is good news for everyone, since we shall enjoy your feeds to this blog from expert translators Paule who is Editor-in-Chief in France and Saho who is Editor-in-Chief in Japan. Now we really are beginning to open up more of the wonderful world of needlework for you to share. We asked you for French and Japanese translations of Opening up the World of Needlework for You and Paule and Saho will announce the prize-winners on Needleprint France and Needleprint Nihon (I think there is more than one for each country!) So click on the blog banner to join your own language Needleprint blog or click here for Needleprint France (www.needleprintfrance.blogspot.com) or here for Needleprint Nihon (needleprintnihon.blogspot.com) And maybe we can switch on the old music box for a chorus of You Me and Us - altogether now!
This is amazing. I love the dedication and time put into your blog(s). Thank you for all your work. I must confess I haven't even STARTED my MW sampler yet, but that's because I'm stitching Christmas presents. And because I can't seem to find 'the perfect' thread combo yet. :)