I have spent the last few weeks since our wedding enjoying Edwina's fabulous new book The Wedding Dress. I feel as though I have made a honeymoon of it!

The book has many superb images and of course the text is most professionally researched as one would only expect of Edwina. I had dinner with her the other week at the Textile Society AGM and she is on great form at the V&A.

When I was married, a friend gave me a home-collected pot of honey with a lovely silver moon hand-painted on the lid. Of course, the honeymoon was the time when the bride fed her new husband honey for an entire month. My first daughter, Melissa, was named after the Greek god of honey, Melisseus.

These days I have loads of pots of honey in the pantry cupboard - I fill them with the grated peel of oranges and clementines - such a pity to waste this bit of the fruit. It keeps wonderfully in the honey, which is always good to drizzle over baked figs, stir into a warm compote of winter fruit to deepen the flavour, add to a cranberry sauce, glaze a duck or simply dribble on hot bread - so many uses. I also toss roasted walnuts into the orange honey as that is just the blissiest topping for Greek Yoghurt. And I can vouch for the %0 fat Greek Yoghurt! Oh and I must tell you, I met Nicola Jarvis at the Textile Society AGM - more of whom later - but she was one of the embroiderers of Kate's dress!
It is certainly hard to believe that it's been a whole month since Gareth and Rachel's wonderful wedding - it seems like only yesterday. Slowly we are coming back down to earth again but filled with bright, sparkling memories.

By the way, now is a good time to buy Edwina's book - it has been discounted by over £10 on Amazon!
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