Véronique has truly made the Mary Wigham sampler her own, not only in her choice of palette, but also by subtle changes to the design itself. Here the squirrel appears a little less ratty, and the dove above a little less tortoisey! A graceful swan glides amongst the medallions which are dusted with initials and little spots of Véronique's own invention. I hope the next time you pick up a charted pattern, you will now feel more confident to add one or two changes of your own. Think of it a little like cooking - we use recipe books some days and then when we are happy with the general basics we experiment, substituting new ingredients for those in the book. OK, they don't always work as we expected, but usually no-one dies and we have learnt something valuable which will enhance our skills and taste. Brava Véronique!
It is beautiful, Veronique. I love the colour co-ordination very much.