Rebekah Readdin's sampler of 1691 was stitched under the tutelage of famous needlework teacher, Judith - or Iudah - Hayle of Ipswich. It is one of the first known of this extant group of samplers and is very typical of the school with its rows of patterns following the repertoire of teaching, the working of alphabets in cross and Algerian-eye stitches in threads of alternating colours - and of course, the particular signature of the twin cartouches at the base. To the left are Rebekah's initials, the Rs confronting - and to the right are the intials of her teacher IH for Iudah Hayle. The sampler is fully described in Edwina Ehrman's The Judith Hayle Samplers. This is a five figure sterling sampler. If you are interested in purchasing this sampler, click on the angel below to email your name, address and telephone number so the seller can contact you. Needleprint have no financial benefit by this transaction or in this notification.

The Judith Hayle Samplers. Limited stocks remaining. Authored by leading textile expert Edwina Ehrman of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London this exceptionally well-researched book brings to life the 17th century needlework teacher Judith Hayle and her students. Price includes postage.

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