Saturday, 30 April 2011
Page Through Our New Book
At last, you can now page through a little preview of our new book. This hardback book is brimming with 230 pages measuring 25cm x 30cm (10 inches x 12 inches) of full colour images and close-up details from this stunning world-class needlework collection. And inside the cover, as a special bonus, is a full colour chart for you to stitch a replica of the fabulous Dorothy Ward band sampler of 1687, which you can see pictured below. You can order now through your LNS, through your Guild (special discounts apply - please email). The ISBN is 9780955208652 and the recommended price is $80, £40 or 60 Euros. Click here for your preview.
Friday, 29 April 2011
A Joyous and Sunny Feast of St Catherine
We have been praying all week that the fair, sunny weather would hold for today's special event - it looked for a little while that rain would be the order of the day - but no, the day was fine and the events of the Royal Wedding unfurled spectacularly. Didn't Catherine look lovely?
Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer to the stirring tune of Cwm Rhondda was joined with great gusto here, it having been the anthem to our wedding. The homily by the Bishop of London with its inspirational words of St Catherine of Siena Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire can be read in full by clicking on this link.
And what about those hats? I shall certainly have to do something a bit more special for the son's wedding in November, I can see! Which reminds me of the time when the Queen went down our road in Cambridge when our daughter was small. She was about 4 years old, maybe a little younger, and at nursery where preparations for the visit had been in train for a few weeks: decorating the windows and posy making, etc. I was working in London and so not able to be with her that day, but the night before I reminded her that the Queen would have a very special hat and I would like to know all about it when I came home from work. And when I did come home, I asked a very excited little one, Did you see the Queen? Yes, yes, she replied. And did she have a very wonderful hat? To which question I received a thoughtful face and then, Yes. Do tell me what it was like, then, I asked. It was white and round, she replied. Oooh, white and strange, I said. A crash helmet, added my daughter. A crash helmet, are you sure? I asked. Yes. I still haven't told her after all these years that then she confused the Queen with a police outrider on a motorbike........
Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer to the stirring tune of Cwm Rhondda was joined with great gusto here, it having been the anthem to our wedding. The homily by the Bishop of London with its inspirational words of St Catherine of Siena Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire can be read in full by clicking on this link.
And what about those hats? I shall certainly have to do something a bit more special for the son's wedding in November, I can see! Which reminds me of the time when the Queen went down our road in Cambridge when our daughter was small. She was about 4 years old, maybe a little younger, and at nursery where preparations for the visit had been in train for a few weeks: decorating the windows and posy making, etc. I was working in London and so not able to be with her that day, but the night before I reminded her that the Queen would have a very special hat and I would like to know all about it when I came home from work. And when I did come home, I asked a very excited little one, Did you see the Queen? Yes, yes, she replied. And did she have a very wonderful hat? To which question I received a thoughtful face and then, Yes. Do tell me what it was like, then, I asked. It was white and round, she replied. Oooh, white and strange, I said. A crash helmet, added my daughter. A crash helmet, are you sure? I asked. Yes. I still haven't told her after all these years that then she confused the Queen with a police outrider on a motorbike........
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Fine International Samplers in UK Auctions * And More (Of Course!)
This fabulous 18th century Spanish sampler is for auction at The Salisbury Auction Centre at their sales on 11 and 12 May. It is Lot 1767 and comes with an estimate of just £100-£125! Worked on unbleached linen, this typical, multi-directional silk embroidered design is worked in a variety of stitches in pastel colours, spot motifs include birds, deer, flowers, fountains and boats. The sales catalogue says the inscription is woven, but it is more likely to be pattern-darned - it reads: Soy Maria Mesonero ave lo hize en casa de Manvella Alonso Calle de Pelatores…1771 (I am Maria Mesonero and I made it in the home of Manuella Alonso, Pelatores Street, in the year 1771). It measures 24in x 22in (61cm x 58cm) and is mounted on fine unbleached linen and has some insect damage and stains. If that weren't enough, it comes with a Victorian cross stitch sampler, in blue red and mauve on unbleached linen, woven inscription: Eleanor Cooper aged/ 11 yrs/ Fair Oak School/ June 25th 1878. 7¾ in. x 7½in. 20cm. x 19cm. Minor colour run in places. To bid or for more details click here.
In the same Salisbury sale is this next Spanish sampler, lot 1768, embroidered in silk on linen ground. It is a later sampler and has the inscription: Me I zo Margarita Oster Discipvla de Nicolasa Montes Viva Jesus Maria Josef Ano de Milo Ochocientos once (Made by Margarita Oster disciple [or pupil?] of Nicolasa Montes Long Live Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in the year Eighteen Hundred and Eleven. It measures 26in. 66cm. sq. The estimate is: £350 - £450. To bid or for more details click here.
Meanwhile at Gorringes sale also on 11 and 12 May is this 1784 Dutch sampler stitched by Maria Cornelia Van de Bilde, dated 1784, worked with the initials S.M. below a crown with a lion, deer, house, pagoda and various figures and animals, in a later maple frame. It measures 18.5 x 18.25ins and is Lot 202 with an estimate of £200 - £300. For more details click here.
I love these needlework books and this seems in nice condition. Also in the the Gorringes 11-12 May sale. It is lot 197 with an estimate of £100 - £150. Simple directions in needlework and cutting out, it contains thirty seven hand worked specimens including two samplers, one dated 1859. The title page is annotated in ink, Derby Training College January 7th 1860, printed Dublin, Alex Thom & Sons 1858, binding defective. For more details click here.
Looking ahead, Matthew Barton Ltd have this very pretty King George IV sampler worked by Mary Ann Clark in 1829 when aged 11. Above is a representation of the ‘Temple of Fame’ and below a biblical text, all flanked by vases of flowers, trees and exotic birds and surrounded by further foliage and figures, outer scrolling floral border. It measures 20in x 17in (49 x 41cm). It is Lot 27 with an estimate of £350 - £450. For more details click here.
Bonhams have this wonderful miniature for sale on 25 May. It is lot 1. Not a sampler, not an embroidered piece but......
just take a look at that lovely enamelled cover, will you? Here we have the conjunction of a Cavalier young gentleman and a decoration of spot motifs right out of a Stuart embroidered panel. Fabulous. Bonhams describe it as follows: David des Granges (London circa 1611-1671) A Gentleman, wearing cream doublet slashed at the sleeve to reveal white lace chemise, lawn collar with lace trim, red sash embroidered with blue and gold thread, his brown hair worn loose. Watercolour on vellum, contemporary gold and enamel locket frame, Manner of Jean Toutin the younger (French, 1619-1660), the sides enamelled with flora and fauna, the lid enamelled with a peasant man seated in a riverscape, resting against a tree and playing bagpipes, the inside of the lid enamelled with flora and fauna. The later applied gilt reverse engraved King Charles II/ to/ George Ashby/ of/ Quenby & Naseby/ and then to/ his Great Grandchild/ Ann Norton/ who married Thomas Pares/ from whom to her/ Great Great Grandchild/ Guy Paget of Sulby. The plaque to the reverse of the locket must have been applied post 1912, when Guy Paget purchased Sulby Hall. George Ashby (1656–1728) was the son of George Ashby of Quenby and Mary Shuckburgh of Naseby. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, gaining his MA in 1675. He married in November 1681 Hannah Waring. Ashby was a Whig politician, sitting at various periods from 1695 to 1708. His funerary monument describes him as 'honest George Ashby the Planter' on account of his arboreal interests at Quenby, where he successfully cultivated a rare genus of cedar tree from the Lebanon. Ashby was appointed High Sheriff of Leicester by Charles II's brother James, in around 1688-9. The High Sheriff was traditionally the King's man and representative for the county. He customarily received a personal gift in addition to the title, for services rendered to the King.
Oval, 36mm (1 7/16in) high This is a very significant historical piece reflected in the estimate of £3,500 - £4,500. Click here for more details.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Samplers International * Benton County Museum, Oregon * Until 30 April 2011 & Catalogue
Thanks to generous support from the Sampler Consortium, Benton County Historical Society are exhibiting a collection of samplers stitched between 1747 and 2011 from around the world, including France - see the example above.
Above you can see a delightful Quaker sampler. Members of the Sampler Consortium have conducted historical and genealogical research into all of the historic samplers in the exhibition.
Click here to see more exhibits on the BCHS web-page. A full colour catalogue is available which contains more extensive and complete information than that included on the BCHS web page. The catalogue costs $25.95 including postage if you are in the USA or $35 including postage if you are in Europe, Canada or Mexico. Click here for more details about the catalogue and also to purchase.
Above you can see a delightful Quaker sampler. Members of the Sampler Consortium have conducted historical and genealogical research into all of the historic samplers in the exhibition.
Click here to see more exhibits on the BCHS web-page. A full colour catalogue is available which contains more extensive and complete information than that included on the BCHS web page. The catalogue costs $25.95 including postage if you are in the USA or $35 including postage if you are in Europe, Canada or Mexico. Click here for more details about the catalogue and also to purchase.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Lynne Roche's Needlework and The First Bath Spring Doll Fair * 19 June 2011
Many of you emailed to say how much you liked the post about Lynne Roche Dolls - - and I have to tell you that now I have actually seen and held Lynne Roche dolls and they are even more marvellous than they appear in the pictures. They are such beautifully crafted objects - their limbs are a wonder of superbly jointed wood that move with ease but are totally robust - and that is not to go into raptures about the clothes which Lynne designs and hand makes herself for each prototype.
Lynne shares my love of stumpwork and brought along some examples of her needlework to show me, and to share with you. I loved this bonnetted child holding a garland of flowers in her pinny. It is a tiny work and yet you can see all the meticulous attention to detail - it has Lynne Roche stitched all over it!
Another favourite piece is this vignetted profile of a Regency woman - which is utterly delightful.
As you can see from the close-up details shown here.
If you would like to see more of Lynne's dolls do visit the first ever Spring Doll Fair in Bath - it is just the perfect time to visit Bath in June. I am told there will be some early wooden dolls there...and possibly even an Izannah! If you would like to see more of Lynne's dolls, just click here.
Lynne shares my love of stumpwork and brought along some examples of her needlework to show me, and to share with you. I loved this bonnetted child holding a garland of flowers in her pinny. It is a tiny work and yet you can see all the meticulous attention to detail - it has Lynne Roche stitched all over it!
Another favourite piece is this vignetted profile of a Regency woman - which is utterly delightful.
As you can see from the close-up details shown here.
If you would like to see more of Lynne's dolls do visit the first ever Spring Doll Fair in Bath - it is just the perfect time to visit Bath in June. I am told there will be some early wooden dolls there...and possibly even an Izannah! If you would like to see more of Lynne's dolls, just click here.
Monday, 25 April 2011
Indianapolis Museum of Art - Sampler Collection On-Line
Wonderful Indianapolis Museum of Art now has their collection of samplers on-line for you to visit. Gems amongst them are this 17th century sampler stitched by Mary Wilson in 1695 which with its distinctive interlinear text is reminiscent of Quaker samplers of this period.
Most of the samplers also have detail images which allow you to enjoy a close-up viewing.
There is also this Dutch darning pattern beauty of 1827.
And here we can zoom into some of that lovely detail. To visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art On-Line Sampler Collection click here.
Most of the samplers also have detail images which allow you to enjoy a close-up viewing.
There is also this Dutch darning pattern beauty of 1827.
And here we can zoom into some of that lovely detail. To visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art On-Line Sampler Collection click here.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
The Second Biggest Wedding of the Year - in Our Village Church
Some of those following the British Telecom's TV couple Adam and Jane will have been happy to see them wed at last - the wedding took place in our village church. A very good choice indeed as it has to be one of the most beautiful village churches in the country!
Happy Easter - Free Jigsaw Download
I hope that you are enjoying your Easter. I was Easter Egg hunting with the littlies this morning, baking Simnel Cake and this afternoon having fun with the lawn sprinkler that involved some nudity (not mine I hasten to add), a pile of wet clothes and a great deal of hilarity! It's good to be outdoors after all the hard work on the book and I hope you will enjoy this jigsaw of the bookcover. However, sadly, this is not going to work for Mac users. Instructions: Click here next Click Open, then click the .EXE file name and click Run, when you see the jigsaw puzzle, click Play Too many pieces? Try clicking on Trays on the top tool bar to create any number of resizeable trays to sort your pieces ........ you can also click the Cheat button and watch the puzzle solve itself! The software is by David Gray designer of Jigsaws Galore - the powerful jigsaw player and creator for Windows.
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Royal School of Needlework - Royal Wedding Sampler Kit £30
Less than a week to go now.... and all the flags are out in the villages around here, looking especially festive. I was in the Red Cross Shop in Dorking this morning and the news was that there has been a run on pre-enjoyed wedding dresses since all the girls are buying them up for the street parties! And there is just time to buy your official Wedding Sampler Kit from the Royal School of Needlework. This beautiful whitework sampler features four flowers of romance, bordering the names of William and Catherine and the date, topped and tailed with a crown and a depiction of St Andrews University, where they met. The sampler is worked in single strand coton a broder on white Irish linen using a variety of classic whitework stitches. All materials and fully illustrated instructions are supplied in the kit, including the design template. To read more or order, click here.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Name That Band - Thank You To Everyone
Thank you to everyone who shared their ideas for naming bands on 17th century samplers - all the contributors could identify have been mentioned in the forthcoming Micheál and Elizabeth Feller Needlework Collection Volume I. Just to recap: the aim of this challenge was to devise names for bands so that we could describe bands more succinctly and meaningfully. Lovely names were suggested, but it was felt, in the end that what was required was a system that would allow anyone, given a few rules, to be able to describe any band - and similarly for another person given those same rules, to be able to visualise the band described. Three elements were chosen to form part of the naming convention: The main object of the band - type of flower or figure; the connection between them; main incidents other than the main subject. So here you can see some of those names. The linking arcade or trellis is described by giving the number of sections in each repeat, by describing the type of link pattern and also whether the link is single or doubled. Once people are familiar with the naming technique and are used to using it, then I am sure short forms of the names will develop, in the same way as we know plants now without resorting to their Latin taxonomies. Thank you all once again.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
UK Classes with Sherri Jones - reserve Now
Sherri Jones (Patrick's Woods) working with Hanging By A Thread will be holding classes in the UK on 20-22 April 2012. This is only Sherri's second visit to the UK - she is in great demand.
She will be teaching 3 projects: Hare Pyns, The Garden Variety Long Pocket and The Blue Ribbon Box. All of which you can see here.
Reservations for the classes are now - especially for the Blue Ribbon Box as the Cherry Wood box is handmade and the orders have to be placed very soon if we are to have them in time for the class. Of course students may still join the class later but their box may have to be shipped on when available. For more details visit Susan Albury at Hanging by a Thread
And thanks again for all you emails - I was sorry to miss posts the last two days, but we are using all resources to upload files to the printer at the moment - and yes, I was just a teeny weeny bit tired and fell off my perch around 4am the other day - which day? But back at my desk now!
She will be teaching 3 projects: Hare Pyns, The Garden Variety Long Pocket and The Blue Ribbon Box. All of which you can see here.
Reservations for the classes are now - especially for the Blue Ribbon Box as the Cherry Wood box is handmade and the orders have to be placed very soon if we are to have them in time for the class. Of course students may still join the class later but their box may have to be shipped on when available. For more details visit Susan Albury at Hanging by a Thread
And thanks again for all you emails - I was sorry to miss posts the last two days, but we are using all resources to upload files to the printer at the moment - and yes, I was just a teeny weeny bit tired and fell off my perch around 4am the other day - which day? But back at my desk now!
Monday, 18 April 2011
Thinking of Tornado Struck Lives - Sources of Design - Peter Stent and Wenceslas Hollar
It seems that Life really is one thing after another - we are hearing of the terrible tornados in the US and we are particularly remembering all those whose lives have been turned upside down. Not long ago it was you who were giving kind sympathy to Earthquake struck families in Japan and New Zealand, and now you are on the receiving end of our prayers. We are sorry for your troubles and pain.
Just a little note about sources of design - what I was going to say will keep for another day. Many authors cite sources of 17th century patterns, particularly those published by Peter Stent in London. However, not everyone knows that many of these pattern pages were drawn by the great Prague draughtsman, and one of my favourite artists, Wenceslas Hollar. Above you can see an example of his work. And if you click here, you can see some lovely engravings by Wenceslas Hollar in the Royal Collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Click on each image for really lovely close-up viewing.
Just a little note about sources of design - what I was going to say will keep for another day. Many authors cite sources of 17th century patterns, particularly those published by Peter Stent in London. However, not everyone knows that many of these pattern pages were drawn by the great Prague draughtsman, and one of my favourite artists, Wenceslas Hollar. Above you can see an example of his work. And if you click here, you can see some lovely engravings by Wenceslas Hollar in the Royal Collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Click on each image for really lovely close-up viewing.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Sampler from Ackworth for Auction Today
You might be up in time today to bid for this fragment of a 18th century sampler for sale today at Wilkinson's Auctioneers, Doncaster, Yorkshire, UK. It is Lot 329 and is stitched with the alphabet and a series of ligatured print characters. The text reads: Honour thy father with thy whole heart, and forget not the sorrows of thy Mother, How canst thee Recompence them the things they have done for thee. It is signed Mary Conway Aged 11 years Ackworth November 2 1785 (?). In a modern glazed frame, it measures 10 ins x 12½ ins (25 cms x 32 cms). The estimates are: £100-£200. There is no mention of Mary Conway in the Ackworth School Register, so it is possible she attended a school in the village of Ackworth, or was a member of family associated with Ackworth School who adopted some characteristcs of the needlework practised at the school.
And while you are in Doncaster, don't forget a visit to the local chippy for your battered Cadbury's Creme Easter Egg. (I don't believe I am writing this at breakfast....!)
And while you are in Doncaster, don't forget a visit to the local chippy for your battered Cadbury's Creme Easter Egg. (I don't believe I am writing this at breakfast....!)
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Pat's Lovely Finish to Sarah Harris
It was lovely to hear from Pat, a friend from Maryland, and to hear that she had finished her Sarah Harris. The sampler is now off to the framers. Pat says: No one that sees Sarah thinks she looks like "me", but she was a pleasure to stitch, always something interesting to see in Sarah's interpretation of Quaker motifs.
Your sampler is really lovely, Pat, and I am so pleased you took a chance on stitching this unusual Quaker Sampler. To say thank you, I shall be sending a copy of the the new book as a present. To see more of Sarah Harris, just click here.
Your sampler is really lovely, Pat, and I am so pleased you took a chance on stitching this unusual Quaker Sampler. To say thank you, I shall be sending a copy of the the new book as a present. To see more of Sarah Harris, just click here.
Friday, 15 April 2011
With Cunning Needle - 2 Day Conference * 21-22 October 2011 * Winterthur, USA
In my occasional series of Travels and Museums, I must tell you about a memorable day visiting Winterthur Museum in Delaware. Perhaps when you travel there to participate in this fabulous two-day conference, as you must, you will remember me and smile. Click here for your information download and registration form.
Everyone told me they hired a car or took taxis to Winterthur - but I am YorkshireWoman so I disregarded all advice. I have travelled on the back of flat bed lorries in the Rif mountains of Morocco; I have travelled by donkey, yak and other quadrupeds too numerous to enumerate; I have travelled through snow, ice, desert and midnight sun; have disregarded royalty, celebrities and even the Dalai Lama in the quest for my destination. YorkshireWoman always gets through. Then there was Winterthur. I travelled Amtrak from Philadelphia to Wilmington, popped into the Tourist Information Centre there to ask how I should travel the next 6 miles to the museum. I was told to hire a car. There were definitely no buses. If I came back the day following one of their friends would take me. Very kind people. But YorkshireWoman knew there was a way - somehow. On her forward retreat back to the Amtrak station, she went past a bus office. Buses to Winterthur? No. Buses going near Winterthur, then? Where is it? YorkshireWoman produces map. Looks like the number 10 should get you close. Yo! Buy ticket. Wait for bus. Get on bus. Ask driver to let me off at Winterthur Museum. Where's Winterthur Museum? No, I am the tourist here. Do you have a map? Yorkshirewoman never travels anywhere without all the maps of the universe in her teeny handbag. Try getting off there. Sit down. Ride for a long time. Route bears no resemblance to bus map. This could be Wales. See shops, shopping parade, lots of people. It must be here. Get off bus. No signs to Winterthur. Sees horses in fields. Considers saddling up. Goes into Wine Shop. YorkshireWoman always knows where friends are to be found. Tell me how I can walk to Winterthur from here. You can't. I can't! Too far, too dangerous on road for little lady. Before I can say, I am mighty YorkshireWoman, he says he will take me in his car. That is so very kind of you, I'm terribly grateful. Arrive Winterthur. Note bus stop right outside gate. I shall know better next time!
Everyone told me they hired a car or took taxis to Winterthur - but I am YorkshireWoman so I disregarded all advice. I have travelled on the back of flat bed lorries in the Rif mountains of Morocco; I have travelled by donkey, yak and other quadrupeds too numerous to enumerate; I have travelled through snow, ice, desert and midnight sun; have disregarded royalty, celebrities and even the Dalai Lama in the quest for my destination. YorkshireWoman always gets through. Then there was Winterthur. I travelled Amtrak from Philadelphia to Wilmington, popped into the Tourist Information Centre there to ask how I should travel the next 6 miles to the museum. I was told to hire a car. There were definitely no buses. If I came back the day following one of their friends would take me. Very kind people. But YorkshireWoman knew there was a way - somehow. On her forward retreat back to the Amtrak station, she went past a bus office. Buses to Winterthur? No. Buses going near Winterthur, then? Where is it? YorkshireWoman produces map. Looks like the number 10 should get you close. Yo! Buy ticket. Wait for bus. Get on bus. Ask driver to let me off at Winterthur Museum. Where's Winterthur Museum? No, I am the tourist here. Do you have a map? Yorkshirewoman never travels anywhere without all the maps of the universe in her teeny handbag. Try getting off there. Sit down. Ride for a long time. Route bears no resemblance to bus map. This could be Wales. See shops, shopping parade, lots of people. It must be here. Get off bus. No signs to Winterthur. Sees horses in fields. Considers saddling up. Goes into Wine Shop. YorkshireWoman always knows where friends are to be found. Tell me how I can walk to Winterthur from here. You can't. I can't! Too far, too dangerous on road for little lady. Before I can say, I am mighty YorkshireWoman, he says he will take me in his car. That is so very kind of you, I'm terribly grateful. Arrive Winterthur. Note bus stop right outside gate. I shall know better next time!
Thursday, 14 April 2011
The Micheál and Elizabeth Feller Collection
Perhaps only once in your life might you have the chance to view a private, world-class collection of needlework. Even then, there would never be time sufficient to enjoy the fabulous, fascinating detail of all these stitched masterpieces outside of the dimmed light necessary for their conservation. However, in this first volume of a two volume set, thanks to the generosity of Elizabeth & Micheál Feller in opening up their magnificent collection, your opportunity will soon arrive.
Over several decades, Micheál and Elizabeth Feller have lovingly brought together and restored many fine pieces of needlework and in this forthcoming publication of Volume 1 of their collection you too will be able to appreciate some of that beauty which has inspired them. We expect the books to be back from the printers at the end of June.
You can order through your LNS, through your Guild (special discounts apply - please email). The ISBN is 9780955208652 and the recommended price is $80, £40 or 60 Euros.
Over several decades, Micheál and Elizabeth Feller have lovingly brought together and restored many fine pieces of needlework and in this forthcoming publication of Volume 1 of their collection you too will be able to appreciate some of that beauty which has inspired them. We expect the books to be back from the printers at the end of June.
You can order through your LNS, through your Guild (special discounts apply - please email). The ISBN is 9780955208652 and the recommended price is $80, £40 or 60 Euros.
Museo del Traje Madrid - On-Line Collection
I love Spanish samplers and embroidery. If you do too, all you need to do is to sit back in your seats and enjoy a comfy trip to the Museo del Traje in Madrid, they have their wonderful textile collection on line which not only includes samplers but wonderful early costumes.
Simply click here where you will find a search box. Enter bordado as the search term and press the button marked Buscar. Enjoy!
Simply click here where you will find a search box. Enter bordado as the search term and press the button marked Buscar. Enjoy!
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
New at Sothebys and More
This spectacular Flemish (Antwerp) ebony table cabinet from the 17th century with its embroidered panels, once the property of a gentleman, is to be auctioned tomorrow at Sothebys. It measures 135cm (4ft. 5in) high, 70cm (2ft. 3½in) wide, 37cm (1ft. 2½in) deep and is Lot 37 with an estimate of £8,000 - £12,000.
Here you can see a close up of the internal panels which have vignetted fish or swimming fowl deriving from early engravings.
The mirror is flanked by two 'weeping' trees each of which sits above a crowned carnation.
For more details contact Sothebys, London.
My favourite at auction this week has to be lot 692 at the P F Windibank sale at Dorking Halls, Surrey on 16th April. It is an early 19th century sampler bearing the crowned initials of King George and having many markers for a Scottish sampler, including paired intials, a distinctive vase with prominent tulip (top left), and the large, arcaded border at the base. It measures 44cm (18 in) square and comes with an estimate of just £140 - 220. Click here for more details.
And no, you are not seeing double, this is a pair of almost matching embroidered panels from Spain, dating from the reign of Philip V. Both are dated 1743. Each panel is finely worked in polychrome silk threads depicting the bull ring surrounded by buildings with arcades from which faces are seen watching the cuadrilla (entourage) performing the corrida de toros (running of the bulls) below in the square, with metal-thread detailing to the costumes, horses reins, window surrounds, steeples and to clouds. Each panel is worked with a running inscription along the lower edge. On the first it is: D,a María, Rosa, López, D,a María Joachina, isvs Hermanas, en Valladolid, año de 1743. And the second: D,a Francisca Xaviera, D,a Teresa Rviz Caballero, isv mro.en Valladolid, Ano 1743. Depicted in the panel with the bullfighter riding the bull, is an official figure in the foreground with speech band, 'Detengale usted Sr. Indio', both panels mounted within gilded and ebonised frames. They are lot 464 and also for auction at Sothebys, London tomorrow with an estimate of £25,000 - £40,000. Perhaps a Spanish blog reader might be able to shed some light on why there are two almost identical panels like this.
Here you can see a close up of the internal panels which have vignetted fish or swimming fowl deriving from early engravings.
The mirror is flanked by two 'weeping' trees each of which sits above a crowned carnation.
For more details contact Sothebys, London.
My favourite at auction this week has to be lot 692 at the P F Windibank sale at Dorking Halls, Surrey on 16th April. It is an early 19th century sampler bearing the crowned initials of King George and having many markers for a Scottish sampler, including paired intials, a distinctive vase with prominent tulip (top left), and the large, arcaded border at the base. It measures 44cm (18 in) square and comes with an estimate of just £140 - 220. Click here for more details.
And no, you are not seeing double, this is a pair of almost matching embroidered panels from Spain, dating from the reign of Philip V. Both are dated 1743. Each panel is finely worked in polychrome silk threads depicting the bull ring surrounded by buildings with arcades from which faces are seen watching the cuadrilla (entourage) performing the corrida de toros (running of the bulls) below in the square, with metal-thread detailing to the costumes, horses reins, window surrounds, steeples and to clouds. Each panel is worked with a running inscription along the lower edge. On the first it is: D,a María, Rosa, López, D,a María Joachina, isvs Hermanas, en Valladolid, año de 1743. And the second: D,a Francisca Xaviera, D,a Teresa Rviz Caballero, isv mro.en Valladolid, Ano 1743. Depicted in the panel with the bullfighter riding the bull, is an official figure in the foreground with speech band, 'Detengale usted Sr. Indio', both panels mounted within gilded and ebonised frames. They are lot 464 and also for auction at Sothebys, London tomorrow with an estimate of £25,000 - £40,000. Perhaps a Spanish blog reader might be able to shed some light on why there are two almost identical panels like this.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Winner of Vintage Modes et Travaux Patterns
Thank you to everyone who emailed or left a comment for the blog - for your security we didn't publish those left with personal details. All entries were put into a draw and I am delighted to announce that the winner was Tedra from Arizona. Tedra wrote: Hi Jacqueline - my favorite blogpost(s) this year has been Feb. 16th "Say Hello to Monika in Norway" - I love to read about women in other parts of the world and what they love for embroidery/stitching - her outfit was spectacular and I loved seeing where she lived! I also loved the Feb. 15th post of "The James Wilson Sampler" which I've ordered from the museum - it will be a beautiful piece! Your vintage patterns will be airmailed to you first thing tomorrow, Tedra. I'll have another look through my treasures soon to find something else nice to give away!
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Free Jigsaw Download - Enjoy
I was really pleased that many of you emailed to say that your favourite post was the jigsaw! I hope the weather is so nice for you this afternoon that you will be out and about enjoying Spring. If that is not the case, I hope you enjoy this latest free jigsaw. However, sadly, this is not going to work for Mac users. Instructions: Click here next Click Open, then click the .EXE file name and click Run, when you see the jigsaw puzzle, click Play Too many pieces? Try clicking on Trays on the top tool bar to create any number of resizeable trays to sort your pieces ........ you can also click the Cheat button and watch the puzzle solve itself! The software is by David Gray designer of Jigsaws Galore - the powerful jigsaw player and creator for Windows.
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Yellow is for Spring, Sunlight, for Egg Yolks, Chickens.....
Spring has certainly sprung here and it is so beautiful, our trees are in blossom, violets invade the lawn and goodness knows what will be next to hatch! I was so taken by these lovely folklore mittens, I just had to show you. Although winter seems past, there is still a nip in the air and I do feel that some hand covering, perferably very decorative, is just what is needed now.
These wonderful creations are by Randi of In My Mothers Name.
And if you would like a pattern to zip up a pair of your own, do visit her Etsy - click here.
These wonderful creations are by Randi of In My Mothers Name.
And if you would like a pattern to zip up a pair of your own, do visit her Etsy - click here.
Friday, 8 April 2011
The Frisian Sampler Mystery and a Sad Day

I am so fortunate that I have so many happy days and always I wish I could share that good fortune with others. Today was a sad day because our postmaster of many years died on the village green. Tony was a very special person because he battled for years to keep the village post office, a very important life-line for many, open, long after he would have liked to retire. Only the other month the village came together to buy out his store so he could retire and enjoy the fruits of his labours and enjoy a life with his wife he had been looking forward to for so long. God bless you Tony for the work you did for our community, and God bless all others who work for their community also. You are true heroes and will always be remembered.
Do you remember the Douwe Egberts commercial in which a Frisian sampler could be seen? The original can be found in the Zuiderzeemuseum in Enkhuizen Holland. In the 1970s the pattern of this sampler was sold as "Frisian sampler 1786 by TM". The sampler hunt continues: we are interested in original look-a-like samplers of the Frisian sampler 1786 of TM in order to find out more about the region where TM stitched her sampler. We're also looking for reproduction samplers stitched from this pattern. We'd like to see your sampler and know anything you can tell us about it: who stitched it, if anything was changed to the original pattern and if so, what. If you bought the sampler, tell us where you bought it and why you were attracted to the sampler. If this sampler was stitched by a dear person, tell us about it.We would even like to know if you have the pattern but never got round to stitching it, or managed half of it, or left it for what it was. Let us know! The story continues on Berthi Smith-Sanders blog - click here for details.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Cherry Blossom Viewing Time
Your may remember that some weeks ago, Kathy Bungard of Gracewood Stitches offered us a free chart called Sanctuary for Japan in return for a donation to Japanese Tsunami and Earthquake Relief. Here you can see a finished example - with a very special twist. Sophie from Canada has taken as her inspiration some beautiful Sakura blossom for the central panel.
This is the time of year when Japanese families take picnics and go to the parks to enjoy all the beautiful cherry blossom, now appearing. For some in Jpan, this year, this looked forward to event will not be the same. We are hearing of another severe earthquake in the north of Japan.If you missed Kathy's chart the first time round you can download now. Please, please, please make a donation to your local Japan Relief Charity in return. Thank you for your generosity and thanks to Kathy again for her kindness. Click here to see more Gracewood Stitches Designs. I hope the Book of Condolences and Comfort is a little more friendly now I know a bit better how it works. Your words of support do mean so much. Thank you.
This is the time of year when Japanese families take picnics and go to the parks to enjoy all the beautiful cherry blossom, now appearing. For some in Jpan, this year, this looked forward to event will not be the same. We are hearing of another severe earthquake in the north of Japan.If you missed Kathy's chart the first time round you can download now. Please, please, please make a donation to your local Japan Relief Charity in return. Thank you for your generosity and thanks to Kathy again for her kindness. Click here to see more Gracewood Stitches Designs. I hope the Book of Condolences and Comfort is a little more friendly now I know a bit better how it works. Your words of support do mean so much. Thank you.
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