This is probably one of the most under-rated books on stumpwork there ever was. There are two reasons for overlooking this fabulous little book. The first is the totally crass jacket it sported (so I have not shown it here, though the book does have its jacket intact and in good condition). The second is the mediocre worked examples.
But having got those elephants cleared away (and there is another - which I shall describe further down), this is an excellent book with 47/48 clear images, mostly in B/W but some in colour, of largely unknown stumpwork pieces plus some rather nice portraits.
The portrait above has a very clear image of an embroidery frame, and in this detail shot, I hope you can see enough of its construction.
So, in its favour the book has lots of fine examples of 17th century stump and applied work - mirrors, caskets and panels.
The book is also a good sourcebook for patterns for you to copy for your own work. The drawings are very clear, very accurate and very well drawn.
There is also a good and well-illustrated glossary of stitches to help you carry out your projects.
The fabulous stumpwork chest below has a model garden in its lid with ivory pieces!
I love the beadwork baskets.
OK let's talk about the last elephant... I bought this book from a second hand specialist, who unfortunately did not keep his magnificent collection heated. The result is that although the pages are clean, the outer edges of some pages are a little foxed and it does come with THAT horrendous jacket. I can only describe this book as being in Good condition. Having said all that it has been a treasure to me.
What a shame I missed this one :-( I am a great lover of Stumpwork embroidery. Especially the older stuff. Oh well, maybe next time.