Little Sampler Gems from the Land of Jaarfke is a Dutch language book (with English summary) by Hennie and Sjoerd Stevan of the Museum for Needleart in Wedde, North Netherlands. This is truly a gem of a book - immaculate hardback of more than 170 pages full of samplers, including the famed Black Samplers of Groningen - PLUS three charted samplers for you to stitch.
The black samplers were unique to the North Netherlands and had their home in the large farms of the rich grain belt there.
This part of the world is known as the Land of Jaarfke and is in fact closer to North Germany and the Vierlande than it is to Amsterdam.
These are fabulous samplers with distinct markers such as the 'crowned G' which appears in the alphabets.
Below are the three samplers for which charts are given
The first is a polychrome sampler
while the other two are black samplers.
From Peddler and Emporia is a Dutch language hardback book with more than 170 pages brimming with images of old haberdashery and needlework - including samplers.
The book is in excellent condition.
and here you can gather some of the scope of this book.
Off the peg needle-lace inserts and little leporelli of needlework patterns....
those wonderfully illustrated needle wrappers
needlecraft journals
and some pages of nice Dutch samplers
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