Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Closure of Celle Sampler Museum - What You Can Do
Since the post on Sunday, many of you have emailed to express concern about the closure of the museum and the removal of access to the stunning Conneman collection of samplers and needlework. I am informed that Mrs Conneman no longer has a say in what happens to the collection - it is down to the city council. No-one knows at present what exactly will happen to the collection. Given the very difficult financial times, there is no blame or anger to be expressed - but concerned, helpful, positive emails can be sent to The Mayor of Celle - and the local newspaper in Celle - It would be very helpful if you could contribute an email. Wonders and miracles do happen! I was once in Poland and had travelled to see a special church with a beautifully painted medieval ceiling. I arrived with Richard and the church was closed. Not only that, but the little village surrounding was devoid of all inhabitants - or so it appeared. We were virtually in the middle of nowhere. In my bleak disappointment I was so reluctant to leave and persuaded Richard to walk with me around the church and enjoy what remained of the day. In not more than a quarter of an hour another car arrived and the couple got out. They also tried the door and then joined us in our perambulation. To have 4 people walking around the church in such a way, triggered an invisible alarm and a man came running up to us from nowhere. We communicated as best we could that we wanted to see inside the church. He said the warden was very busy - too busy to open up - we pulled sad faces but were quiet and unprotesting - we tried to keep him talking as he was the only link we had to the church. Then a coach went by - and then it turned round and went by again. The next time it stopped - and seeing there was a throng of five 5 people already there, a party of 30 or so Japanese tourists descended in expectation of something marvellous. At this the village man turned and ran. We thought he had fled in fear. But no - he came back running with a large man in a billowing black cassock who was carrying a huge key! And so it was that in this most unpromising situation we all got to see one of the most stunning painted church ceilings I have ever seen.
I just posted a note to you on an entry from 2010 about this museum closing. I did write to Herr Mende and received a very nice letter back with the news that the musuem had to close due to lack of funds. I have also contacted the Royal School of Needlework and another member of Sampler World has contacted the EGA. I think the more we raise awareness, the more we might be able to keep this wonderful resource open to the public.