York Museum has a number of lovely textiles on-line for you to enjoy. The item above is no longer an embroidered casket, just a panel remaining from one. Which makes one wonder if, like the framed panels at Mompesson House in the cathedral close at Salisbury, it was ever made up - or if it was taken part, or fell apart and was enjoyed later as an item in its own right. The figure playing the lyre could either be a depiction of King David (in manuscripts he is depicted with a beard and clothed), or of Orpheus (usually bare top half) - but in any case the subject seems to be King Charles in masquerade!
This late 16th or early 17th century coif would have been worn by women indoors, or outdoors under a hat. Many coifs were embroidered at home and this one has a simple design, but the materials used are very luxurious and include metal threads and sequins called spangles.
I couldn't resist this item - a late 19th century child's home-made toy of The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe. It is an old dance shoe filled with tiny dolls, which were commercially made, held by a home-made mother doll.
Because, when x-rayed it shows that the main support of the mother doll is a chicken's wish-bone! To see the items yourself, click here. For the Textile Collection Guide download, click here.
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