Maaike in the Netherlands has just informed me that the wonderful Fries Museum in Leeuwarden has now a substantial portion of its fabulous sampler collection on-line - and more is being loaded.
Here you can see a small number examples to give you a taster.
The collection has some Spanish samplers, too, like the one above.
And if you look below you will see one of my favourite pieces - a knottedoek, or betrothal cloth which would have been made and used to hold the dowry.
Click here to go to the Fries Museum web-site and you can type any of the following search items in the box: Merklap; Letterlap, Stoplap; Merkletterlap; Schoolmerklap; Knottedoek.
Thank you for sharing, Maaike.
What wonderful pieces, I always wonder who the woman where that made them and what their lives were like.