This was the title of the film in which Dorothy starred in 1956 and tomorrow, our Dorothy Bromiley Phelan will be 80 years young. Thank you for all the special birthday messages you sent for her - they have been packaged up and sent special delivery for her to enjoy tomorrow. And any messages that missed this post will also be forwarded to her, to append to the many already sent.
Dorothy once told me that she almost bowled over Gary Cooper running along a corridor.....(and he was the man I always wanted to marry!) Did he say anything? I gasped. Yes, she said. What? I panted. He said, Well hello little limey. And the little limey is the girl in the middle of this Life Magazine cover.
So time to name the winner of this special draw - tantantara! Linda Connors. If Linda will email me with her address then we'll make sure the book of Connecticut Needlework will arrive on her doorstep as soon as it is published. Thank you to everyone who participated.
I do hope Dorothy had a very happy birthday and congratulations to Linda on her win.