The sampler above is lot 120 and is an early Victorian religious sampler by Elizabeth Edwards, aged 9 dated 1830. It has a central Adam and Eve and the Tree of Knowledge flanked by angels and surrounded by motifs of flowers, birds, hearts and figures within a running foliate border, framed and mounted under glass, 38 cm x 28 cm. Estimate is £100 to £150

Above is lot 127 by Martha Ritsons `finished Nover 2 in the 11th year of her age in the year of our Lord 1839 at Flimby School with B. I. Wilkinfon Governeff. The sampler features the ships: `Leopard` and `Lady Mary` and further motifs including birds, trees and flowers within a running honeysuckle border, in a period frame under glass it measures 64 cm x 45 cm and comes with an estimate of £300-£400.

Lot 112 is typically Scottish with its bands of forebear's initials, Holbein stitch embellished alphabet, house in park and distinctive vase of lowers. The house also entertains Adam and Eve squeezed onto the patio. Framed and mounted under glass, it measures 43 cm x 30 cm and has an estimate of £80 to £120.

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