Well, here in a more readable form is the phantom post you saw yesterday. I had worked on it in advance in case I didn't get home in time to post - but then forgot completely all about it after my 12 hour journey home on the hottest day of the year so far. I think I shall start a campaign for tap water at motor-way service stations - there is no water to be had for less than nearly £2 for a naughty small bottle - a tough time for me and a nightmare for families.
Kerry's auction on 8 June will include the Emmanuel's archive of sketches and couture articles made for the late Diana, Princess of Wales and it is well worth perusing the items on sale to see these. For now I have selected these purses which are Lots 6-8.
Lot 6 at the back of the photo on the left is a fine French tapestry purse from the early 17th century, the chestnut brown silk ground is woven with silver and gold cherubs, birds and leafy branches. it is closed with drawstrings having fabulous, large embroidered tassels. The estimate is £600-£900. At the front of the picture in the centre is a woven tapestry gaming purse, also French from the early 17th century. Its brown silk ground is woven with silver and gold winged hearts, banners, sunburst, cherubs and latin legends, and it has an estimate of £400-£600. Finally at the rear and to the right is an embroidered purse with chinoiserie figures, French, but this time from the early 18th century. On this panel you can see a wonderful oriental astronomer with a telescope! The estimate is £500-£800.
And even though I am really weary and maybe a little grumpy today, I cannot help smiling at this exquisite lady's embroidered cap of ivory silk made circa 1770, with its trellis of false quilting centred by floral slips. Estimate is £400-£600.
I hope these lovely items lift your hearts also.
I've seen the design for the lady's embroidered cap recently on e-bay; it was an Elsa Williams kit for a pillow, crewel on twill.