As promised here are a few more beauties from the exhibition at Bradford Cathedral. All the pieces date from the late 19th - 20th century. I love Assisi work and was delighted to see this fine linen credence cloth. The bread and wine are placed on the credence table before being moved to the altar for consecration in the communion service.
The passion flower in this piece is drenched in symbolism - much of which you probably already know. I didn't know that the spiralled tendrils represented the whips used in the flagellation of Christ and the style the sponge used to moisten Christ's lips with vinegar.
This red stole with its lovely white rose of York is probably Victorian.
And this altar front is a wonderful example of the Arts and Crafts movement.
Don't forget to look around you when you are there - and upwards. The cathedral has a delightful, painted angel hammerbeam roof.
Oh Jaqueline...that altar front!! That is simply stunning. I frequently use your pics as wallpaper for my reminds me to get off the comp and back to stitching *wink* so that`s where that pic is now. It`s just sooo beautiful. Thank you for such a wonderful blog...