Sunday, 31 January 2010
Yumi-san's Mary Wigham

Saturday, 30 January 2010
Celebrating Needles - L'Aiguille en Fete 11-14 February 2010 - Paris

11-12 February from 9am - 7pm
13 February from 10am - 7pm
14 February from 10am - 5pm
If you are thinking of going as a group, get a rope and tie yourselves on - or first thing agree an easy to find spot for a meeting-up place for members who go adrift. This is the mummy of stitching events.
Friday, 29 January 2010
Do You Know this Woman? Another Mystery to Solve

Thursday, 28 January 2010
The Rajah Quilt 1841 - Fruits of Industry

While recently in the Lake District talking with Quaker friends, they told me the story of Elizabeth Fry giving thread, needles and fabric to women convicts who were bound for transportation. I had not heard the story before and so I was mesmerised as the tale of the Rajah Quilt unfolded. (Rajah was the name of the ship upon which they were transported.) The Rajah sailed with 179 female prisoners from Woolwich on 19th July 1841, bound for Van Dieman's Land, present day Tasmania. There is evidence that the women made other quilts for their own personal use with the materials given to them, but none so far have been discovered. The importance of this work is that it demonstrated the women recognised the benefits of Fruits of Industry and were willing to reform their ways. See the Australian Bonnets Project to learn more about the female transportees.

The quilt was presented upon arrival to Lady Jane Franklin, wife of Sir John Franklin, then Governor of Van Dieman's Land, and later to be lost in the Arctic in his search for a North West Passage. The Rajah quilt is larger than King Size measuring 325cm x 337cm and is in the collection of the National Gallery of Australia Accession No: NGA 89.2285
The inscription reads: TO THE LADIES of the Convict ship committee. This quilt worked by the Convicts of the ship Rajah during their voyage to van Diemans Land is presented as a testimony to the gratitude with which they remember their exertions for their welfare while in England and during their passage and also as proof that they have not neglected the Ladies kind admonition of being industrious. June 1841. Thank you to Mary Jenkins for reminding me to say that this quilt will be exhibited in the forthcoming quilt exhibition at the V&A - it is the first time that this quilt has been out of Australia.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Grenfell Silk Stocking Mats - How Exciting Is This!

Tuesday, 26 January 2010
The Foundling Hospital and Ackworth School
There is a free download of a longer article about the Foundling Hospital. To read more, just click here.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Margaret Ellerby, Ackworth School and Me

Sunday, 24 January 2010
Hiawatha's Song - The Nets that Bind Us

Well, blow me down with an eagle's feather! This funny little £1 item has quite a history. Wilfred Grenfell graduated in medicine in London in 1888 and in 1892 was sent to Newfoundland by the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen. His mission was to improve the conditions of inhabitants and fishermen there. He recruited nurses and doctors and opened hospitals along the coast of Labrador - then he moved out of the box - he worked to provide schools, orphanages, co-operatives and industrial work projects. He was knighted, as he deserved, by King George V. My father, an old sailor, who loved Newfoundland where he had spent many leaves in the war, would have been as pleased as Punch to know this man. I can imagine the two of them talking together. I treasure the photo of my father and mother and big sisters taken at Buckingham Palace, taken when my father received his medal from King George VI. So, to return to the beginning. The Grenfell Association was set up to support the work of Wilfred Grenfell and this little cloth would have been produced to raise money for the charity. I shall make sure this history is passed on to my favourite little girl with her Hiawatha Doll kit.
And the last of all the figures
Was a heart within a circle,
Drawn within a magic circle;
And the image had this meaning:
Naked lies your heart before me,
To your naked heart I whisper
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Mrs Murphy Rules OK!

Last week you told me how much you liked the Volga Linen items, so I thought you might like to see these items which I stumbled on, created by a Swedish designer with a great Swedish name - Mrs Murphy.

There is a quality of peace and tranquility in these stitching-pattern inspired simple household items such as tea-towels and kitchen boards. They are very understated and a delight to have around.

And the designs work from the kitchen right to the littlest room - why haven't I seen tiles like this in the stores? If you would like more information, here is the contact for Mrs Murphy Designs.
Friday, 22 January 2010
New York Sampler - Sotheby's 23 Jan 2010

Thursday, 21 January 2010
A Four Metre or Thirteen Feet Long Sampler
Samplers and Buttons is one of my favourite blogs - do visit! Seeing some examples of Joke Visser's Souvenirs de ma Jeunesse there prompted me to see if I could find something which would convey the size of these pieces. When I have photographed them in the past it has been section by section, because they are just so long, and somehow the whole experience is diminished. Fortunately, someone has posted this fabulous video on You Tube so if you have never seen any of these long samplers composed of exercises made throughout the schooling of convent educated girls in the Netherlands, you can have a better idea of what they are all about.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Talking of Unicorns....and Arzon

Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Free Sampler Digital Jigsaw Puzzle to Download

Too many pieces? Try clicking on Trays on the top tool bar to create any number of resizeable trays to sort your pieces into........you can also click the Cheat button and watch the puzzle solve itself!
Monday, 18 January 2010
Whitby Museum Sampler Catalogue on CD - and Sampler Curator Wanted

I thought you might be interested to see this Quaker by Ann Lister of 1790. We have no idea at present where Ann spent her life - perhaps someone knows something of her. Again a hand-drawn chart for this sampler is available to purchase from the Museum.

I am also intrigued by this Quaker sampler by Betty Carr, it is very much like the York and Ackworth text samplers. Campsall is near Doncaster in the south of Yorkshire, but is somewhat of a mystery still - any help would be so useful.

And finally, one couldn't leave without a glance of a Whitby girl's sampler. All the Sampler Collection at Whitby is available on CD direct from the museum. The catalogue is in Word format and the images are adequate for study. Again for £10 plus P&P it will not break the bank. If you live nearby, the Museum may be interested to hear from you as they were short of a Sampler Curator the last time I spoke to the Registrar.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Plough Sunday and Yorkshire Costumes

Grandmother is skeining the spun yarn. The ladder to the left may go up to the bedroom or weaving garret, where the husband of the house would be working at his loom.
And the famous Wensley Dale knitters - men, women and children who knit all the while, whatever other task they may be performing, whether cooking or shepherding flocks. If you stopped for a chat, you would stop for six - the length of time taken to knit six rows. In the evenings, to save fuel, knitting, singing and story-telling by the light of a dying fire, the little community would gather turn by turn at each others' homes.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Couson's - and Arzons's Mary Wigham

It is a little while since we've seen a Mary Wigham. Couson in France has now finished hers - here you can see the finishing stages.
Friday, 15 January 2010
Simple Gifts - a Free Download from Rosemary

Thursday, 14 January 2010
New Sampler Book from North East Museums

I know the problems associated with a project like this - it is very tough work - and I have a great deal of sympathy. It is a project with great vision and ambition - and some great samplers such as the one below of Susannah being manhandled in a way I have never seen before, are wonderfully presented. In spite of the problems, I know you will still find enjoyment in the book and for £12.95 plus £2.95 P&P for UK it is not going to break the bank.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Marken and the Italian Connection

If we zoom in on those pillows (sorry for the poor quality of the image) it is just possible to see that the ends are of lace, and to show them off to their best advantage, they are backed with red satin or silk.

Just as these pillows are in this detail of a painting of 1583 by the Florentine artist, Alessandro Allori.
When I was working with Margreet Beemsterboer on the publication of her Sampler of Motifs from Marken, I was struck just how much these motifs seemed to spring from a birthplace a world away, also constructed upon built-up wharves and similarly imperiled by the sea - Venice.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Bonhams 14 January Edinburgh - and one that got away today

If I hadn't had so much in my in-tray, I might have spotted earlier this little sampler finished by Emily Sarah Crick on a leap-day, February 29th, in 1840. It was auctioned by Bonham's at Knowle today and realised the princely sum of £48.

However, there is another Bonham's Auction with samplers and needlework related items in Edinburgh in two days' time. Below you can see a sampler by Charlot Clark from 1821.

There are also a number of lots of Mauchline Ware which feature stitching accessories. Mauchline is a village in Scotland, which like many other communities economically stranded by the Industrial Revolution, was casting around for a way to make money with its traditional craft base. In the 1820s two Mauchline brothers, William and Andrew Smith, set up a factory to make snuff-boxes. Out of this venture, in which Andrew was and remained the leading spirit, grew an industry which was to dominate the market for wooden souvenirs during most of the Victorian era. All the items feature a transfer printed vignette of a tourist destination from where, presumably they were sold. The trefoil pin cushion below has a view of the Ruins of the Old Abbey, Reading. I really must go and visit!

Monday, 11 January 2010
Needleprint Bridegrooms' Hearts Charts Ready to Download

The bride continued to wear her wedding clothes after the wedding, without the trimmings. But the bridegroom’s shirt was taken off, carefully folded and stored away, never to be worn save on one more occcasion. His shirt with all the hours spent on its stitching was worn once only, at the wedding, and then, it was never worn by him in his lifetime. It was put away and stored against the time of his death, when it was brought out again to dress him for his burial. It was believed that not only the body would be resurrected, but also the shirt itself of those who had never broken their wedding vows. Should his first wife die and the man engage in marriage again, then his first shirt had to be destroyed upon the eve of his second wedding. It is for these reasons that few brudgumsskjortor survive today to be admired. It is possible that in times of famine or epidemic, the burying in brudgumsskjortor may have been overlooked.

This is our first Infinity Book and it contains 11 designs for Bridegrooms Hearts together with background information and licensed images of Bridegrooms' Shirts from Nordisksa Museet in Stockholm. In addition to the Infinity Book download, there is a separate charted pdf of all the patterns with additional alphabet, nubers and borders from Dalarna, Sweden. And if that were not all, those of you with cross Stitch designer have the bonus editable jgg file for use with Cross Stitch Designer. Just click here to browse some pages of the book or purchase. If you don't yet have Cross Stitch Designer, click here to purchase it now for $20 - it comes with editable charts for the Beatrix Potter and Mary Wigham samplers ready for you to start to enjoy.
My gratitude goes Caroline Seldon and Beryl Lawrence without whose inspiration and enthusiasm this would not have been possible. And many thanks to Erica Uten for her awsome stitching which you can see on the front page of the book. Take a bow, all of you!
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Why Needleprint? (And another New Year's Revolution!)

Saturday, 9 January 2010
The Needleprint Infinity Bridegroom's Hearts will be arriving any day soon.

We are putting the finishing touches to the charts for the Bridegrooms' Hearts ready for you to download any day soon. Here is a little preview of a model stitched by Tokens of Love Erica Uten. Make lovely pillows for Valentine's Day, Anniversary Gifts, Ring keeps for Weddings or something special for the Dear Hearts in your life.
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