Thursday, 3 September 2009
The Perpetually Engaging Diary will be shipping in 10 days' time
This charming sampler stitched by Fanny Micou for her mother, together with one similar that she dedicated to her father are just some of the delights you can look forward to seeing in the Needlework Collection of Michéal and Elizabeth Feller. Their world class collection numbers over 500 items that include 16th century coifs, stomachers, shoes, huswifs, pinballs, caskets, Stuart pictures, mirror surrounds, book covers, and many, many samplers. We are delighted that soon this wonderful collection will be available in book form for you to view, commencing with the Early Needlework Treasures described by Mary M Brooks, due for publication 2010. Elizabeth Feller will provide us with an insight into her later samplers in the following year. In the meantime, we have the perfect gift to introduce you and your friends to this astonishing collection - A Perpetually Engaging Diary. The diary which includes Quaker, Mountmellick and Bristol Orphanage examples has 12 projects for you to complete - one per month - which you can bind into the diary as perpetual mementos. It is expected that the diary will retail at $30 or more and we are taking pre-orders from shops now, so if you would like a copy, please tell your local store. Needleprint has 3 objectives: to provide access to needlework collections; to support conservation and preservation of collections; and also to promote and encourage creative needlework and design. In line with that last objective, guilds and stitching groups around the world qualify for a 20% discount and free postage on all orders over 20 copies. So, if you are a guild or stitching group, you can pre-order directly by clicking here.
I hope I will be able to purchase the diary directly from you as I don't have a shop near me.