It is a day of friends and needlework - what more could I ask for? A delightful surprise from my good friend Peg Levert came with the postman this lovely early summer's morning. She has sent me a lovely pamphlet produced by the Cohasset Historical Society, Massachusetts, on the needlework and samplers in their collection. It was also lovely to see the name of another good friend, Denise De More, President of the Mayflower Sampler Guild, inside the brochure, since it was she who had inspired the society to develop it. And let's hope other historical societies across the USA will also be similarly inspired and helped by local lovers of needlework. The first sampler inside is by Betsy Stoddard in 1796, and I wonder if she and her father, a member of the Boston Tea Party in 1773, is a distant relation to another good friend of mine, Sandra Stoddart!
The Cohasset Historical Society was founded in 1928 and their three buildings house significant collections including textiles and costumes that date from 1796 to the 1960s. Pictured here is the title page with the Cohasset Town Seal wrought by Edith Cavanaugh.Click here to email the Cohasset Historical Society for more details.
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