Having first been a designer at the Royal Hellenic School of Needlework and Laces in Athens, she became its director until she returned home in 1907. During the war she was instrumental in founding the Khaki Handicrafts Club to aid soldiers suffering from shell-shock. They worked to her design this altar superfrontal, in cross stitch on linen. The design is culled from Louisa's study of Greek Island patterns. When complete it was used for the soldiers' services at the Abram Peel Hospital, opened in 1915 as a special neurological hospital. In 1920 Louisa Pesel became the first president of the Embroiderers' Guild. Though her later life was spent in Winchester, her heart must have remained in the North - her extensive collection of needlework examples acquired while travelling, was left to the Clothworkers and is now in the University of Leeds International Text Archive. To see this altar frontal visit Bradford Cathedral before March 6th. More from Bradford tomorrow.